The NetAcquire H30-SIO serial interface offers flexible PCM frame synchronization capability. Frame sync determines frame boundaries in a stream of synchronous serial data to order to allow decommutation.
NetAcquire frame synchronization offers:
- Sync pattern width from 0 to 64 bits
- Don’t care bits anywhere in the frame sync pattern
- Bit slip tolerance of 0, +/-1, or +/-2 bits
- Frame size of any bit length from 8 to 2,097,152 bits
- Flexible frame sync strategies: configurable check count and flywheel count
- IRIG 106 Chapter 4 and also HDLC framing support
- Code conversion from NRZ-L/M/S/, RNRZ, and Biphase-L/M/S bit encoding
- Configurable data and clock polarity (with data auto-polarity support)
- Common word sizes between 1 and 64 bits
- MSB/LSB word ordering
- IRIG and network timetagging from IRIG A/B/G and SNTP and IEEE 1588 network
In addition to frame synchronization, NetAcquire H30-SIO also supports advanced telemetry decommutation which extracts individual measurement values from input data based on a user-specified input data format. Decommutation is an integrated component of the NetAcquire Data Flow option. NetAcquire Data Flow offers almost unlimited options for the processing and distribution of decommutation results.
NetAcquire products provide complete telemetry processing and display.